My apologies for this blog post coming a few days late. There are some very important announcements that you should all read.

1) Quarterly clean up happened this past Saturday, July 12th. Thank you to everyone who showed up: Becca, Jon A., Riley, Pete M., Jeff S., Sebastian, Seven, Scott, Ted, Steve S., Bob P., Tim, Steven A., Barb, Nick T., Brandon, Frank, Bob G., Patrick, Ian, Tall Steve, Phil, Molly, Kevin, Zhifan, Cam’s friend Dave, Sarah, Andy, Justin, and Ben. All future quarterly clean ups are now on the TC Maker calendar. Please show up for them. It takes the efforts of everyone in the community to make our space possible.
2) The scary bathroom (bathroom off the wood shop) was cleaned as part of quarterly clean up. All storage lockers were cleaned out as part of this. Each locker’s contents were placed in a cardboard box. Nothing was thrown out. These boxes are located on the table next to the scaffolding. A policy regarding the storage lockers is in development.
3) ALL members should be using the member storage space, unless they have permission from an area manager to store a project elsewhere. This is a reminder that storage is for active projects only. A fully filled out parking permit must accompany anything that is being stored at the shop. Please organize and consolidate your project as much as possible. If you have anything in member storage, be sure to come in this week and clean it. Some items were found around the shop and in member storage without parking permits or with parking tickets or very old permits. These items have been moved to the scaffolding as a temporary measure. Some of these items have also been moved to the very top shelf of membership storage. Anything that has not been claimed and taken home or properly stored will be thrown out in two weeks.
4) Regarding the scary bathroom: this was cleaned out as the first phase of repairing and remodeling the bathroom to make it function as a bathroom. Please do NOT store ANYTHING in the scary bathroom. Steven Anderson has graciously agreed to get the toilets working again (once we figure out a few plumbing issues) and do the plumbing for a shower and large utility sink installation. We’ve talked about it for a long time, but it is actually going to happen.
5) Metal shop manager Steve (guy with the ponytail for those of you who don’t know) would like for everyone who has metal stored in the metal shop to put it into the new storage rack that he and Clara built. Anything that is not moved in one week will be assumed to be abandoned and go into the up for grabs. Thank you to both Clara and Steve for getting that done.
6) The main bathroom toilet is fixed. Thank you, Steven Anderson.
7) The upstairs refrigerator is now for beverages only. All food should be stored in the downstairs refrigerator. ALL consumables should be labeled with your name and the date they were put in the refrigerator. Any unlabeled food and beverages will be assumed to be fair game. The refrigerators are also going to be cleaned out weekly, as a heads up.
8) The ashtray has been moved to near the parking lot by the loading dock, along with the lawn furniture. We’d like to encourage people to smoke away from the main door as much as possible.
9) The front area will be undergoing remodeling from July 22nd to July 25th. The front door will be closed and everyone will need to enter the building through the metal shop door. Thank you in advance for your patience as we get a much needed facelift to the space. Also, we’ll be looking for a ton of volunteers to help with the remodel. If you are interested in helping, please contact Cam.

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