Donating to Twin Cities Maker

Twin Cities Maker is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, which allows us to receive tax-deductible donations. These donations, along with membership dues, are what keeps the lights on. Every little bit helps, and we won’t be able to thank you enough!

Donate Online

Twin Cities Maker manages donations through Wild Apricot. Use the form below to donate directly to the shop.

You can also use this form to donate for shop time and consumables by selecting the “shoptime” category for that shop and add a comment for what you are paying for.

Membership Software

Donate Through Your Employer

Many companies allow their employees to donate to nonprofit organizations through a corporate giving program of some sort. Ask your employer if they have a such a program — some companies will match their employees’ donations, effectively doubling the amount of your donation.

Currently we are registered with:

If we are not registered with the platform you would like to give through please contact us at

Corporate Giving

If you represent a company that wishes to donate money or equipment to Twin Cities Maker, we would love to hear from you. Contact to get the ball rolling.